Alexie Martinez
I am choosing to share my story through Setter Vision to hopefully inspire other athletes to do the same. By sharing our stories we can learn from one another and get a different prospective on a variety of experiences. I integrate my Christian faith when playing by always praying before games asking God to protect my teammates and I from injuries. I also use my Christian values such as good sportsmanship and teamwork to connect with others.
- My favorite Bible verse is Philippians 4:13 which says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." This verse reminds me that with Christ I can accomplish great things and I can also overcome obstacles that may come my way. This verse also helps me to stay focused and motivated during games and trainings knowing I have the support of God.

Valley Venom 15s Sharyland Pioneer High School – Mission, TX
What does it mean to "Run the Race with Perseverance"?
To me “run the race with perseverance” means to always keep going and never give up even when challenges arise.
How do you "Give Everything" both on and off the court?
I give everything on and off the court by training hard everyday, and always trying my best to be a great teammate and asset to my team.

How do you "Keep Your Eyes on Jesus" while playing volleyball?
I keep my eyes on Jesus while playing volleyball by staying focused on Christian principles which include playing with integrity, having good sportsmanship and being kind towards my teammates and opposing teams. I believe it means always using my talents and abilities to play in a way that God would be proud of.