Anna Bjork
I’m sharing my story with Setter Vision to honor God and speak about the amazing things that my faith has done for my volleyball journey. I would not be where I am today without God and I am so grateful that I have been given the opportunity to speak about that.
Three years ago I decided to write A01 on my shoe in sharpie. A01 means “Audience of One” and it reminds me that I am playing for God. Whenever I feel the pressure of the game is getting to be a little much, I will look down at my shoe and remember why I play and who I am playing for. I know that all I need is to have faith. I also keep a mustard seed charm on my backpack, which reminds me that no matter the obstacle, anything is possible with faith and I wear #31 on my club jersey in honor of Proverbs 31.
- Proverbs 31:25 is my favorite verse - "She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come." It reminds me of the person that I am trying to be, not just in volleyball but in all aspects of life. Volleyball is a big part of my life, but it is not all who I am. I want to be someone who is strong, and able to withstand the pressure of both volleyball and life. I want to be virtuous and keep myself accountable in my faith. Sometimes I fail to meet these standards, but I want to push to be like a Proverbs 31:25 woman.
Milwaukee Sting 17 Gold | Oconomowoc, WI
What does it mean to "Run the Race with Perseverance"?
Not everything is going to come easy and there are a lot of obstacles in life which do not have a simple fix. God pushes me to overcome these obstacles through His strength and guidance. In times of difficulty. He reminds me of the little things that I should be grateful for. I thank God everyday that I am healthy and able to play my sport and I am so grateful that God reminds me of this in times of struggle.
How do you "Give Everything" both on and off the court?
God has given me everything that I need, and I try to do the same for my teammates and everyone around me. My goal is to always show love to all people. Life is hard for everyone and I hope that I can give people love and light especially when they need it most. In some games, I can give everything to my teammates through performing my best. In others. I can give everything by being the biggest cheerleader for them. I try to carry these same values off of the court in my everyday life as well
How do you "Keep Your Eyes on Jesus" while playing volleyball?
“Keep your eyes on Jesus” while playing volleyball means that even when you are playing, keep in mind why you are there and be humble while you play. It means always making sure to set aside time to talk and pray to Him even within a busy volleyball sport, work, and family schedule.