Mariana Van Der Aa
I try my best to be a good leader and show others what it’s like to live with the Holy Spirit inside of me. I work to be productive and encouraging to those around me on and off the court. I look for every opportunity to pray with my teammates and lift them up spiritually. As an athlete it’s very easy to let your sports define you, but the definition of who I am has already been chosen by God himself because as his child of God I am created in His image and for His purposes. This allows me to use my sports as a platform for endless opportunities to share the gospel.
- God has called me to be a light to those around me and to bring others closer to God. He is magnificent and has created many ways for people to be reached and touched by His word, so by sharing my faith story people will be able to see God's light through me which I believe is my purpose.

Boiler Juniors Benton Central HS, Battle Ground, IN
What does it mean to "Run the Race with Perseverance"?
In volleyball you face mental, emotional, and physical obstacles and trials. It is important to maintain your testimony for Christ and respond in a way that glorifies God.
How do you "Give Everything" both on and off the court?
Colossians 3:23 tells me to do everything I do for the Lord. I try to apply it to everything in my life not just volleyball and other sports.

How do you "Keep Your Eyes on Jesus" while playing volleyball?
Knowing I was created for his glory, I try to display His character through my actions and behaviors in the many challenges I face in volleyball.